Don’t Get Fooled: A Closer Look at Employee Engagement

Let’s face it, just because your team isn’t storming out the door doesn’t mean they’re loving their jobs. Sometimes, people stick around for various reasons – maybe they’re comfortable, financially secure, or simply unsure about their next move.

So, how can you tell if your people are truly happy and engaged, or just kinda going through the motions?

Banning Venn Diagrams

In a chilling echo of dystopian fiction, imagine a world gripped by fear, where individuality is suppressed and conformity is enforced. In a totalitarian state, even the most innocent of concepts can be weaponised to maintain control. One such victim would surely be the humble Venn diagram.

Are we human or are we dancer?

The Killers might have been asking a philosophical question back in 2008, but in the age of digital overload, it’s a question HR departments are grappling with too. ‘Human’ is the new buzzword (sadly, not ‘dancer’). Organisations all around us are plastering it across their mission statements and culture decks. But is it just lip service, or are they truly embracing what it means to be human in a world increasingly dominated by algorithms?

Level Up Your Career

Let’s face it, the world of work has a serious relationship with technology. While some of us might be tempted to curl up with a good ol’ filofax, the truth is, shying away from tech could seriously limit your career options. But fear not! This isn’t about becoming a coding wizard overnight. It’s about understanding why embracing digital tools can be your secret to future success.

“Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast”: Why Your Company Culture Matters

So, you’ve a brilliant business plan, but your team lacks the enthusiasm to make it come to life. That’s the essence of the famous quote, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

Your company’s culture is the foundation of everything you do. It shapes your people’s behaviour, decision-making, and ultimately their satisfaction. A strong culture fits with your strategy and supports your people to achieve your shared goals.

Are We Doing Yoga or Just Posing?

Let’s talk about wellbeing at work – that’s our mental and physical health. It’s a big deal, and companies are definitely taking notice. Wellbeing programs are popping up everywhere, from lunchtime yoga sessions to mindfulness apps. But are these initiatives truly helping employees, or are we just striking a pose?

Are you laughing at me?

“I hear that courdroy pillows are all the rage at the moment – they’re making headlines.” #dadjokesrule

It’s fair to say that traditional workplaces can feel like a right old slog. We spend a so much of our waking time in an environment that can be rather rigid and humourless. But a workplace can be a place where laughter is encouraged and lightheartedness is celebrated.