Are We Doing Yoga or Just Posing?
Let’s talk about wellbeing at work – that’s our mental and physical health. It’s a big deal, and companies are definitely taking notice. Wellbeing programs are popping up everywhere, from lunchtime yoga sessions to mindfulness apps. But are these initiatives truly helping employees, or are we just striking a pose?
A recent report suggests there might be a gap between what companies think works and what employees actually need. Sure, a free yoga class is nice, but it can’t fix a stressful workload or a lack of work-life balance. The report concludes that we all actually agree on the key ingredients for good mental health at work: fair pay, good work (meaning fulfilling and manageable), and flexible hours.
So, how do we move beyond the beanbag chairs and smoothie bars? The report suggests a shift towards a true culture of wellbeing. This means creating a workplace where people feel supported, valued, and comfortable talking about mental health challenges.
Here’s how you can ditch the ‘wellbeing pose’ and create a healthier work environment for your people:
- Talk it out: Make it OK to talk about mental health. Normalise conversations and remove the stigma.
- Train your team leaders: Equip managers to recognise signs of stress and mental health issues.
- Flexibility is key: Offer flexible work arrangements so people can manage their workload and personal lives.
- Resources, not just snacks: Provide access to mental health professionals and support services.
- Lead by example: All leaders should be open about their own mental health journeys.
By taking these steps, you can create a workplace that supports genuine wellbeing for everyone.
After all, a happy and healthy team is a productive team, right?
This blog post is based on the article Research highlights risk of ‘wellbeing washing’ as sickness absence soars, which references ‘Wellbeing Strategies: Effective in Managing Sickness Absence?‘.